Thursday, January 1, 2009

About us


A little about Shelley:

age: 9-99
food: yes
state: PA
most people would be surprised if they knew: I can weave baskets
under my bed: 2 cats
bedside table: organized
wearing: jeans
not wearing: shoes
drive: Explorer
desk: active
text: not much
breakfast: everyday
work: Lemon Tree Cards

A little about Bernie:
Age -Older than dirt
Food - I eat more than I should
State - Rhode Island (Have nothing to do with Rhode Island, its just fun to say
Most people would be surprised if they knew -I'm really not mean and cranky all the time
Under my bed - Huge dust bunnies
Bedside Table - Dusty
Wearing - Clothes, its cold out
Not Wearing- My helmet and cape
Drive - Mr. Bernie's car
Desk -Needs to be refinished
Text - On and off
Breakfast - Yes, please
Work - The Rubber Stamp Shop


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